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How to Create/Upload Documents?


Bills of Lading are represented by an icon that looks like a piece of paper.

Other Documents (Waybills, Invoices, Packing Lists, etc.) are represented by an icon that looks like a stack of papers.

If no documents are present for the job you are viewing, you will see an icon that looks like a piece of paper with a plus sign.

To add documents you may either click the Add Documents icon from the Cargo Tracking screen or from the List of Documents screen, where the Add Documents icon is found in the upper right-hand corner.

Documents ready to view and print are represented by the View/Print icon, which looks like a piece of paper with a magnifying glass. 

View/Add Documents

To view any document, click the icon for that document.

To add a document from your computer to a specific job, go to the list of documents for that job number and click the Add Documents icon in the upper-right side of the Documents list. Select the document to be added from the drop-down menu and click the link under the Upload Exist¬ing Document icon, which looks like a piece of paper with an upward green arrow. Click the ‘browse’ button and select the document from your computer then click the ‘upload’ button.

There is only one type of document that can be completed online, the Proforma-Letter of Instruction. Select the Proforma from the drop down list and the Complete Document On-Line icon will activate. Click on the icon and complete and save the form.